Wednesday, October 15, 2014

anywhere but here.

Let me brutally honest with you for a second, there are some days when Northwest Ohio is the last place I want to be. There I said it. I've traveled enough to know that I love it! I crave newness, the anticipation, freedom, the language barrier and the deep dependence that I need to have on God in order to get through it. I watch the news and see the struggles around the world and long to do something about it. I talk to my host family and friends in Liberia and hear of the daily struggles that they are facing, doing all they can just to stay healthy. But then after a few solid minutes of complaining God seems to remind me of the calling He has placed on my life. You see after graduation I was offered three different jobs, in three different states, far from Northwest Ohio. But none of them felt right, all of them made me feel as though I was running yet again. Instead of moving far away, I came back home. 

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

I came back home. Home to my Jerusalem. The place that raised me, taught me, encouraged me, held me and loved me. God warmed my heart once again to my Jerusalem and brought me home.  So here I am back where I never thought I would return doing something that I never thought I would do and loving every minute of it. As I stated earlier there are days when I wish that I was somewhere else and then there are most days when I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here. Wednesday, October 8th would be one of those days. That night across the nation students were gathering at athletic fields to pray, read scripture, hear testimonies and worship together. Previously Archbold and Wauseon student FCA leaders had met to plan and prepare for a Fields of Faith that was held at Biddle Park. Students volunteered to share, read and invite their peers to commit to a relationship with Jesus Christ. The day of October 8th brought with it strong winds just like any other day in NWO, but by the time students were supposed to be starting to arrive the wind had quit and God was beginning to paint an incredible sunset. To say that, that night was awesome would be an understatement. That night 200 students from 11 different schools came together on one field to worship one God! That night rivalries, upcoming games and differences were set aside and everyone was equal. That night the voices of 200 students were heard praying for their teams, campus', communities and the world. That night God was victorious. 

So on days when I want to be somewhere else I remind myself of those 200 students, because I have 200 more reasons to keep doing what God has called me to do.  

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